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No current events scheduled at this time.

Study Group 1- Online Facilitator Training

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Contact: Nadthachai Kongkhajornkidsuk

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October 26, 2022


Alexandria Levitt will present between 11:30 a.m - 12:30 p.m. about Aging and Housing options for us and our parents.


Welcome to the second Seven Sisters Virtual Conference. We are excited to help facilitate a day of connection, motivation and networking.

There are two tracks of events. One for Alums, with another for under/recent grads.  All attendees are welcome at any event during the Conference.

Past Events

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March 16, 2019

Sierra Madre Library

1 - 2:30 p.m.

Sierra Madre Library

440 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.

Sierra Madre, CA 91024

Senior Cohousing: A Progressive and Creative Model of Housing for Ages 50+

As you get older, do you want to live more simply, be more connected to others, and experience a community of peers that is geared towards vitality?  Discover a unique housing model that brings adults ages 50+ together to imagine and design their own small communities. 
Alexandria Levitt, Senior Housing Specialist and Gerontologist, USC MS 2011, will speak about Senior Cohousing – a model that began in Denmark and is growing in the U.S.  Learn about what’s involved, successful communities already created and how to make it happen here.  


January 31, 2019

Claremont United Church of Christ

6 PM

Claremont United Church of Christ
Louise Roberts Room
233 Harrison Ave
Claremont, CA 91711

Senior Cohousing: A Progressive and Creative Model of Housing for Ages 50+

As you get older, do you want to live more simply, be more connected to others, and experience a community of peers that is geared towards vitality?  Discover a unique housing model that brings adults ages 50+ together to imagine and design their own small communities. 

Alexandria Levitt, Senior Housing Specialist and Gerontologist, USC MS 2011, will speak about Senior Cohousing – a model that began in Denmark and is growing in the U.S.  Learn about what’s involved, successful communities already created and how to make it happen here.  

No RSVP need - just come join us!

January 24, 2019

Pasadena Central Library

7 PM

Pasadena Central Library 

Donald Wright Auditorium

285 E Walnut St. 

Pasadena, CA 91101

Senior Cohousing: A Progressive and Creative Model of Housing for Ages 50+

As you get older, do you want to live more simply, be more connected to others, and experience a community of peers that is geared towards vitality?  Discover a unique housing model that brings adults ages 50+ together to imagine and design their own small communities. 
Alexandria Levitt, Senior Housing Specialist and Gerontologist, USC MS 2011, will speak about Senior Cohousing – a model that began in Denmark and is growing in the U.S.  Learn about what’s involved, successful communities already created and how to make it happen here.  

No RSVP needed.  Just join us!


© 2018 Levitt Cohousing. 

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